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Péppe De Paula no Bairro Music Bar |
Olá amigos leitores desse fascinante mundo onde você aprende com o olhar a ter uma nova percepção da vida, viajar é muito mais que arrumar as malas e hoje em dia nem é preciso arrumar as malas, pois você pode "viajar" dentro de casa mesmo, hoje vou abordar um turismo que qualquer um pode fazer sem ter muito dinheiro no bolso, o turismo local, de entretenimento , feito na tua região ou cidade,
Hello friends readers of this fascinating world where you learn with the look to have a new perception of life, traveling is much more than packing your bags and nowadays you do not even have to pack your bags because you can "travel" indoors, Today I will address a tourism that anyone can do without having much money in their pocket, local tourism, entertainment, made in your region or city
Hello friends readers of this fascinating world where you learn with the look to have a new perception of life, traveling is much more than packing your bags and nowadays you do not even have to pack your bags because you can "travel" indoors, Today I will address a tourism that anyone can do without having much money in their pocket, local tourism, entertainment, made in your region or city
Quando você teve a oportunidade de viajar nacional e internacionalmente na tua vida, até que você não liga muito quando tem que ficar em casa na tua cidade ou região por falta de grana para uma dessas viagens de sonho, aí você começa a pensar o que fazer para ocupar o ócio ou a rotina do mesmo churrasco no fim de semana, a mesma praia ou até mesmo passar o dia no clube.
When you have had the opportunity to travel nationally and internationally in your life, until you do not care much when you have to stay at home in your city or region for lack of money for one of these dream trips, then you begin to think what to do To occupy the leisure or the routine of the same barbecue on the weekend, the same beach or even spend the day at the club.
When you have had the opportunity to travel nationally and internationally in your life, until you do not care much when you have to stay at home in your city or region for lack of money for one of these dream trips, then you begin to think what to do To occupy the leisure or the routine of the same barbecue on the weekend, the same beach or even spend the day at the club.
Não deixa de ser bacana também e até posso denominar isso como um "mini tour" para você massacrar o terrível ócio de ficar em casa assistindo só a TV ou fazendo um churrasquinho e degustando sua cerveja.
It's also cool and I can even call it a "mini tour" for you to massacre the terrible idleness of staying at home just watching the TV or making a barbecue and tasting your beer.
It's also cool and I can even call it a "mini tour" for you to massacre the terrible idleness of staying at home just watching the TV or making a barbecue and tasting your beer.
Então saia de casa, procure algum lugar para ir, o ruim é que na nossa região, não possui nenhum site sofisticado indicando os melhores points e a faixa etária correspondente ao que você gostaria de encontrar e os órgãos de turismo não se ateram ainda a esse nicho do turismo, além disso tenho andado por aqui Caraguatatuba, São Sebastião e Ilhabela e infelizmente dá para notar a distância que São Sebastião está dessas duas outras cidades na agitação do turismo local feito pelos locais e eventuais turistas que aparecem por aqui, na maioria deles turismo de negócios e os eventuais veranistas de fim de semana, embora a diferença seja pequena.
So get out of the house, look for somewhere to go, the bad news is that in our region, you do not have any sophisticated websites indicating the best points and the age group that you would like to find, and the tourism agencies do not even Niche of tourism, in addition I have been here Caraguatatuba, São Sebastião and Ilhabela and unfortunately it is possible to note the distance that São Sebastião is of these two other cities in the agitation of the local tourism made by the local and eventual tourists that appear here, in the majority of them Business tourism and eventual weekend vacationers, although the difference is small.
So get out of the house, look for somewhere to go, the bad news is that in our region, you do not have any sophisticated websites indicating the best points and the age group that you would like to find, and the tourism agencies do not even Niche of tourism, in addition I have been here Caraguatatuba, São Sebastião and Ilhabela and unfortunately it is possible to note the distance that São Sebastião is of these two other cities in the agitation of the local tourism made by the local and eventual tourists that appear here, in the majority of them Business tourism and eventual weekend vacationers, although the difference is small.
Pensei que iria encontrar no facebook alguma dica bacana de fim de semana, no entanto estava me recuperando de uma infecção, além de uma depressão por motivo particular que me deixou triste demais, quando um amigo, justamente na minha alta, passou no meu quarto no Hospital e me deu uma carona.
I thought I'd find some nice weekend tips on facebook, but I was recovering from an infection, plus a depression for a particular reason that made me sad too, when a friend just dropped by my room in the Hospital and gave me a ride.
I thought I'd find some nice weekend tips on facebook, but I was recovering from an infection, plus a depression for a particular reason that made me sad too, when a friend just dropped by my room in the Hospital and gave me a ride.
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Eu e o amigo Marcos Fortes |
Na conversa até minha casa no carro, falando da minha angústia e tristeza, disse a ele que não queria ficar em casa mesmo tomando antibióticos e dever de fazer repouso relativo para recuperar-me, ele então prontamente me convidou a ir a um happyhour em um novo bar chamado Bar do Bairro - Music Bar (https://www.facebook.com/bardobairro), bom, muito gostoso o ambiente apesar do frio da brisa do mar, pois é beira mar, situado no bucólico e aprazível Bairro de São Francisco.
In the conversation to my house in the car, speaking of my anguish and sadness, told him that I did not want to stay at home even taking antibiotics and duty to do relative rest to recover me, he then promptly invited me to go to a happyhour in a New bar called Bar do Bairro - Music Bar, good, very nice environment despite the cold sea breeze, because it is seaside, situated in the bucolic and pleasant neighborhood of San Francisco.
In the conversation to my house in the car, speaking of my anguish and sadness, told him that I did not want to stay at home even taking antibiotics and duty to do relative rest to recover me, he then promptly invited me to go to a happyhour in a New bar called Bar do Bairro - Music Bar, good, very nice environment despite the cold sea breeze, because it is seaside, situated in the bucolic and pleasant neighborhood of San Francisco.
Mas isso não tirou o charme do bar bem decorado e limpo, com música mecânica, bandas e caraoke, além de muita gente bonita.
But this did not take away the charm of the well decorated and clean bar with mechanical music, bands and "Karaoke" , plus lots of beautiful people.
But this did not take away the charm of the well decorated and clean bar with mechanical music, bands and "Karaoke" , plus lots of beautiful people.
Eu como não podia beber fiquei de cerveja sem álcool com meu amigo Marcos e beliscamos uma isca de peixe deliciosa, crocante e farta a um preço bem acessível, que não anotei por que não paguei a conta, mas certamente recomendo e vou voltar lá quando estiver melhor.
I as I could not drink I got no alcoholic beer with my friend Marcos and we nibbled a delicious, crunchy and delicious fish bait at a very affordable price, which I did not write down because I did not pay the bill, but certainly recommend it and I will go back there when I am best.
I as I could not drink I got no alcoholic beer with my friend Marcos and we nibbled a delicious, crunchy and delicious fish bait at a very affordable price, which I did not write down because I did not pay the bill, but certainly recommend it and I will go back there when I am best.
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Banda Sr. Bamba |
Apesar de estar debilitado me diverti bastante com a excelente música de uma banda chamada Sr, Bamba https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sr-Bamba/1379518452261410) com um repertório dançante e contagiante, deu muita vontade de fechar os olhos ali e dançar ao som de vários compositores e bandas de samba rock pop hap, de mais, amei, esqueci a dor e o incomodo e até a tristeza, parabéns ao Grupo!
Despite being weak I had a lot of fun with the excellent music of a band called Sr. Bamba with a lively and contagious repertoire, it made me want to close my eyes there and dance to the sound of several composers and samba rock bands pop hap, , I loved, I forgot the pain and the discomfort and even the sadness, congratulations to the Group!
Despite being weak I had a lot of fun with the excellent music of a band called Sr. Bamba with a lively and contagious repertoire, it made me want to close my eyes there and dance to the sound of several composers and samba rock bands pop hap, , I loved, I forgot the pain and the discomfort and even the sadness, congratulations to the Group!
Esse tipo de turismo local é gostoso faz bem a alma e faz você encontrar antigos e fazer novos amigos, vou ficar ansioso para voltar lá e divulgar isso, mesmo porque os turistas que aqui chegam não sabem de nada quando chegam nos Hotéis, pois não ha nenhuma informação, algo a se pensar, marketing é bom, apesar do local bombar.
This type of local tourism is good makes the soul well and makes you find old and make new friends, I will be anxious to go back there and spread this, even though the tourists who arrive here do not know anything when they arrive at the Hotels, No information, something to think about, marketing is good, although the place is pretty cool.
This type of local tourism is good makes the soul well and makes you find old and make new friends, I will be anxious to go back there and spread this, even though the tourists who arrive here do not know anything when they arrive at the Hotels, No information, something to think about, marketing is good, although the place is pretty cool.
Para quem ia ficar um pouquinho e beliscar algo, fui me envolvendo e aqui pensando, conclui que é exatamente isso o propósito do turismo local, proporcionar sensações que você nunca mais vai esquecer e vai querer voltar, basicamente uma regra fundamental, um mandamento no turismo.
For those who were going to stay and tweak something, I got involved and thinking here, concludes that this is exactly the purpose of local tourism, providing sensations that you will never forget and will want to return, basically a fundamental rule, a commandment in tourism .
For those who were going to stay and tweak something, I got involved and thinking here, concludes that this is exactly the purpose of local tourism, providing sensations that you will never forget and will want to return, basically a fundamental rule, a commandment in tourism .
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Péppe De Paula e Ricardo |
Quando estava me preparando para ir para casa, tive o grato prazer de encontrar com um velho amigo, não mais velho que eu, até dei aula para ele, mas que tenho muita estima, Ricardo, vulgo baiano, que de baiano não tem nada de tão animado.
As I was getting ready to go home, I had the pleasant pleasure of meeting an old friend, no older than I, even lectured him, but I have great esteem, Ricardo, a Bahian commoner, who from Bahia has nothing of so excited.
As I was getting ready to go home, I had the pleasant pleasure of meeting an old friend, no older than I, even lectured him, but I have great esteem, Ricardo, a Bahian commoner, who from Bahia has nothing of so excited.
Não é que ele me convidou a fazer mais um turismo local, eu disse que estava indo para casa e que não podia beber, mas ele insistiu e foi me pegar em casa.
Not that he invited me to do another local tour, I said that he was going home and that he could not drink, but he insisted and went to pick me up at home.
Not that he invited me to do another local tour, I said that he was going home and that he could not drink, but he insisted and went to pick me up at home.
E não é que ele passou em casa e lá fomos nós ouvindo um bom rock and roll em direção ao Bairro Praia de Barequeçaba, pessoal, isso é turismo, ora bolas, e chegamos no conhecido Mozebas (http://mozebas.blogspot.com.br/ - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pizzaria-E-Bar-Mozebas/163502457066884 )
And it is not that he spent at home and there we were listening to a good rock and roll towards the Beach Quarter of Barequeçaba, personal, this is tourism, now balls, and we arrive at the known Mozebas
And it is not that he spent at home and there we were listening to a good rock and roll towards the Beach Quarter of Barequeçaba, personal, this is tourism, now balls, and we arrive at the known Mozebas
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Grupo Tokesamba |
Um local também muito agradável e cheio de palcos, espaços e mesas com um bar que serve a todos os ambientes, muito legal para mais um turismo local, com sensações e emoções desta vez com uma outra banda chamada Tokesamba, também local com um pagode muito bom e dançante e mais uma vez cheio de gente bonita .
A place also very pleasant and full of stages, spaces and tables with a bar that serves all environments, very cool for more local tourism, with sensations and emotions this time with another band called Tokesamba, also local with a pagoda very Good and dancing and once again full of beautiful people.
A place also very pleasant and full of stages, spaces and tables with a bar that serves all environments, very cool for more local tourism, with sensations and emotions this time with another band called Tokesamba, also local with a pagoda very Good and dancing and once again full of beautiful people.
Bom para quem estava doente, até que fiz turismo demais para uma noite só, mas garanto que fui completamente feliz e sem dor para casa e foi muito melhor que estar em um leito de hospital sozinho tomando calmantes para dormir.
Good for anyone who was sick until I did too much sightseeing for one night only, but I guarantee that I was completely happy and painless home and it was so much better than being in a hospital bed alone taking sleeping pills.
Good for anyone who was sick until I did too much sightseeing for one night only, but I guarantee that I was completely happy and painless home and it was so much better than being in a hospital bed alone taking sleeping pills.
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Péppe De Paula e amigas |
O turismo local precisa ser estimulado, pois gasta-se dinheiro, movimenta a economia em diversos setores e a cidade se encontra engessada por falta de estratégias de atrair um turismo que naturalmente deveria ter se consolidado a anos.
Local tourism needs to be stimulated, as money is spent, it drives the economy in several sectors and the city is ingrained by lack of strategies to attract tourism that should have naturally consolidated over the years.
Local tourism needs to be stimulated, as money is spent, it drives the economy in several sectors and the city is ingrained by lack of strategies to attract tourism that should have naturally consolidated over the years.
E tudo isso produzido com recursos dos esforçados empreendedores locais que empregam bandas e mão de obra locais movimentando a sofrida economia do município.
And all this is produced with the resources of the hard-working local entrepreneurs who employ bands and local labor moving the economy of the municipality.
And all this is produced with the resources of the hard-working local entrepreneurs who employ bands and local labor moving the economy of the municipality.
Alô dirigentes do turismo, já que não buscam a demanda turística de fora, que deveriam ter feito a muito tempo, comecem a promover os eventos, atrativos que existem aos "turistas" locais que somos nós, fica a dica!
Helo leaders of tourism, since they do not seek the demand from outside tourism, that they should have done a long time, start to promote the events, attractions that exist to the local "tourists" that are us, is the tip!
Helo leaders of tourism, since they do not seek the demand from outside tourism, that they should have done a long time, start to promote the events, attractions that exist to the local "tourists" that are us, is the tip!
Bom, por dessa vez é isso, esperando ter inspiração, pois meu material é farto, para o próximo texto ou comentário, espero que tenham gostado e gostaria que de vez em quando fizessem sua crítica, comentários e sugestões para esse blog, viajem nele como eu viajo no meu coração quando aqui escrevo tentando levar a vocês a mesma emoção, prazer, amor e alegria na arte de viver, viajar fora e dentro de si mesmo!
Well, this is it for this time, hoping to have inspiration, because my material is full, for the next text or comment, I hope you liked it and I would like you to do your criticism, comments and suggestions for this blog from time to time, I travel in my heart when I write here trying to bring you the same emotion, pleasure, love and joy in the art of living, traveling outside and within yourself!
Shalom aleihem!
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https://www.facebook.com/peppedepaula twiiter: @tourismejipp Skype:peppe.de.paula 55 - 12 - 997141841 Mtb: 0077272/SP |
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