Direto de Bragança Paulista...Direct from Bragança Paulista ...
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Péppe de Paula -Direto de Bragança Paulista. |
Feliz dia mundial do Turismo a todos os amigos, blogueiros, simpatizantes, parentes e leitores que aparecem por aqui para dar uma olhada quando podem...
Happy World Tourism Day to all friends, bloggers, supporters, relatives and readers who come here to take a look when they can ...
Happy World Tourism Day to all friends, bloggers, supporters, relatives and readers who come here to take a look when they can ...
Na verdade não temos muito o que comemorar, pois, para um país como o nosso, quase na sua totalidade como um território potencialmente turístico, eu passei o dia todo hoje sem ver ou ouvir ao menos uma nota, um comunicado, uma publicidade sequer sobre a data, muito menos do Ministério do Turismo ou outro órgão oficial de Turismo, falta um "pouco" de profissionalismo, vocês não acham?
In fact, we do not have much to celebrate because, for a country like ours, almost in its entirety as a potentially touristic territory, I spent all day today without seeing or hearing at least one note, a statement, even a publicity about The date, much less of the Ministry of Tourism or another official body of Tourism, lack a "little" of professionalism, do not you think?
In fact, we do not have much to celebrate because, for a country like ours, almost in its entirety as a potentially touristic territory, I spent all day today without seeing or hearing at least one note, a statement, even a publicity about The date, much less of the Ministry of Tourism or another official body of Tourism, lack a "little" of professionalism, do not you think?

Since I returned from Europe to Brazil and failed in a business linked to tourism in Salvador in Bahia, it has been 24 years and I am in São Sebastião on the North Coast of São Paulo, there are at least 22 and I have sincerely seen very little evolution in this area in the region as A whole, except for the city of Ilhabela and in smaller proportions Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba, statistically the municipality of São Sebastião is far from that, but there is a hope, because I heard this week by a councilor who is leaving the PDT - Tourism Master Plan, That I sincerely hope and that it is implemented urgently, strictly and with due inspection by the councilmen ...
Mas, a matéria de hoje na verdade, continua na mesma linha do Turismo Social, o Turismo de entretenimento, onde você procura algo para se fazer e movimenta a economia de um determinado local, quando sai para bebericar alguma coisa, usar da gastronomia que seja um restaurante, lanchonete, ou comida de boteco.
But today's story is still in the same vein as Social Tourism, entertainment tourism, where you look for something to do and move the economy of a certain place, when you go out to sip something, use whatever gastronomy A restaurant, snack bar, or bar food.
But today's story is still in the same vein as Social Tourism, entertainment tourism, where you look for something to do and move the economy of a certain place, when you go out to sip something, use whatever gastronomy A restaurant, snack bar, or bar food.
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Foto Arquivo Internet - Lago do Taboão |
Estou fora do Litoral Norte, me desloquei para a cidade de Bragança Paulista, onde frequento já ha vários anos e nunca enjoo ou deixo de frequentar as variadas opções turísticas que a aprazível cidade possui, com muitos bares e restaurantes para todos os estereótipos e gostos, algumas casas noturnas agradáveis e muito bem frequentadas e é claro você precisa ter um pouquinho na carteira se quer se divertir um pouco e fazer o delicioso turismo social.
I'm out of the North Coast, I went to the city of Bragança Paulista, where I've been for several years and never get sick or stop attending the varied tourist options that the pleasant city has, with many bars and restaurants for all stereotypes and tastes, Some nice and very crowded nightclubs and of course you need to have a little bit in your wallet if you want to have some fun and do the delicious social tourism.
I'm out of the North Coast, I went to the city of Bragança Paulista, where I've been for several years and never get sick or stop attending the varied tourist options that the pleasant city has, with many bars and restaurants for all stereotypes and tastes, Some nice and very crowded nightclubs and of course you need to have a little bit in your wallet if you want to have some fun and do the delicious social tourism.
Existem bastantes opções de hospedagem por aqui, desde os mais antigos e baratos até alguns poucos mais sofisticados, que não vou mencionar aqui, que poderei fazer e indicar através de uma consultoria, afinal, preciso faturar um pouquinho para levantar-me do "fundo do poço", onde me deixaram (rsrs), motivo pelo qual estou aqui, relaxar e colocar a cabeça no lugar.
There are plenty of lodging options here, from the oldest and cheapest to a few more sophisticated, which I will not mention here, which I can do and indicate through a consultancy, after all, I need to bill a little bit to get up from the bottom of the Well, "where they left me (rsrs), which is why I'm here, relax and put my head in place.
There are plenty of lodging options here, from the oldest and cheapest to a few more sophisticated, which I will not mention here, which I can do and indicate through a consultancy, after all, I need to bill a little bit to get up from the bottom of the Well, "where they left me (rsrs), which is why I'm here, relax and put my head in place.
Para quem quiser desfrutar da região, cercada de cidades bucólicas e turísticas, entre
elas, Socorro, Águas de Lyndoia, ficar hospedado aqui é uma boa opção e antes de sair na deliciosa noite de Bragança, que costuma ter a temperatura um pouco amena a noite, leve um suéter ou blusa meia estação nessa época, é passear ou caminhar pelo Lago do Taboão durante o dia e conferir os diversos bares, como o Trairagem e uma casa de Música Sertaneja, o famoso Porcaria, isso mesmo, mas é muito bom (kkkkk).
For those who want to enjoy the region, surrounded by bucolic cities and tourist, among them, Socorro, Águas de Lyndoia, staying here is a good option and before leaving on the delicious night of Bragança, which usually has a little mild temperature at night , Take a sweater or blouse half season at that time, is to walk or walk through Lake of Taboão during the day and check out the various bars, such as the "Trairagem Bar" and a house of Country Music, the famous "Porcaria" (Filth), that's right, but it's very good (lol).
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Péppe de Paula no Lago do Taboão - Bragança Paulista |
For those who want to enjoy the region, surrounded by bucolic cities and tourist, among them, Socorro, Águas de Lyndoia, staying here is a good option and before leaving on the delicious night of Bragança, which usually has a little mild temperature at night , Take a sweater or blouse half season at that time, is to walk or walk through Lake of Taboão during the day and check out the various bars, such as the "Trairagem Bar" and a house of Country Music, the famous "Porcaria" (Filth), that's right, but it's very good (lol).
Mas, vamos para o turismo social propriamente dito, que é quando chega a noite e tudo começa a fluir e movimentar-se, pois a cidade é próspera e possui quase 150.000 habitantes, por quase toda cidade bares fervilham de gente bonita e das mais variadas idades, é só vir e conferir, como segue nos vídeos que foram feitos.
But, let's go to social tourism itself, which is when night comes and everything starts to flow and move, because the city is prosperous and has almost 150,000 inhabitants, almost every city bars boil beautiful people and the most varied Ages, just come and check, as follows in the videos that were made.
But, let's go to social tourism itself, which is when night comes and everything starts to flow and move, because the city is prosperous and has almost 150,000 inhabitants, almost every city bars boil beautiful people and the most varied Ages, just come and check, as follows in the videos that were made.
Como minha irmã mora na região central e eu conheço bastante gente por aqui, chamei uma amiga para me ajudar a fazer essa matéria e me foquei em dois "alvos" sugerido por ela, um eu já conhecia e já fiz comentários nesse blog, o Boteco São Gabriel http://www.botecosaogabriel.com.br/ , não deixem de aparecer lá quando passarem em Bragança, preços razoáveis, os garçons são polidos e gentis e a velocidade de atendimento é muito boa, público de todas as idades, boa música e gente muito bonita.
As my sister lives in the central region and I know a lot of people around here, I called a friend to help me do this story and I focused on two "targets" suggested by her, one I already knew and I have already made comments on this blog, Boteco Saint Gabriel www.botecosaogabriel.com.br , do not stop there, when they pass in Bragança, reasonable prices, the waiters are polite and kind and the speed of service is very good, public of all ages, good music and very beautiful people.
As my sister lives in the central region and I know a lot of people around here, I called a friend to help me do this story and I focused on two "targets" suggested by her, one I already knew and I have already made comments on this blog, Boteco Saint Gabriel www.botecosaogabriel.com.br , do not stop there, when they pass in Bragança, reasonable prices, the waiters are polite and kind and the speed of service is very good, public of all ages, good music and very beautiful people.
Na ocasião e até quero agradecer a dupla sertaneja André Garcia e Dener, que mandaram e animaram bem e divulgarem o nosso blog para o público, as informações sobre o bar estão no link acima.
At the time and I even want to thank the country folk André Garcia and Dener, who sent and animated well and spread our blog to the public, information about the bar are in the link above.
At the time and I even want to thank the country folk André Garcia and Dener, who sent and animated well and spread our blog to the public, information about the bar are in the link above.
Com o Boteco ainda cheio e com boa música rolando, saímos em direção a um local que
não conhecia o Public House Pub https://www.facebook.com/pages/PUB-Public-House/221635064513667, não muito longe de onde estávamos, aliás era um lugar que cheguei a frequentar, que se não me engano, chamava-se Armazém que também na época era muito gostoso, mas de um estilo totalmente diferente.
With Boteco still full and with good music rolling, we headed out to a place that did not know Public House Pub www.facebook.com/pages/PUB-Public-house/221635064513667 , not far from where we were, it was a place that I came to frequent, which if I'm not mistaken, was called Warehouse which was also very tasty at the time, but in a totally different style.
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Bar Pub Public House Foto by Péppe de Paula |
With Boteco still full and with good music rolling, we headed out to a place that did not know Public House Pub www.facebook.com/pages/PUB-Public-house/221635064513667 , not far from where we were, it was a place that I came to frequent, which if I'm not mistaken, was called Warehouse which was also very tasty at the time, but in a totally different style.
Confesso que foi uma bela surpresa, um típico pub bar,
pagamos apenas R$ 5,00 para entrar cada um, sem consumação, e de cara um ambiente muito gostoso com um "rock and roll" rolando da banda MZ Trio do vocalista e guitarrista Marcel Zill que depois me surpreendeu com um Blues de excelente qualidade, imediatamente levei a mão no bolso, mas havia esquecido a minha gaita e me lamentei muito, pois já estava bastante animado...
I confess that it was a beautiful surprise, a typical pub bar, we paid only $ 5.00 to enter each one, without consummation, and of course a very pleasant atmosphere with a "rock and roll" roll of the band MZ Trio of the singer and guitarist Marcel Zill, who then surprised me with a blues of excellent quality, I immediately took my hand in my pocket, but I had forgotten my bagpipe and regretted it, because I was already very excited ...
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Bar Pub Public House Footo by Péppe de Paula |
I confess that it was a beautiful surprise, a typical pub bar, we paid only $ 5.00 to enter each one, without consummation, and of course a very pleasant atmosphere with a "rock and roll" roll of the band MZ Trio of the singer and guitarist Marcel Zill, who then surprised me with a blues of excellent quality, I immediately took my hand in my pocket, but I had forgotten my bagpipe and regretted it, because I was already very excited ...
Nós até poderíamos ir para uma casa noturna filial do Boteco São Gabriel, mas o ambiente mais uma vez estava contagiante e mais uma vez cheio de gente bonita, além de um show do barman local com as garrafas e a gentileza e atenção dos outros, só não gostei muito do chopp,na hora de sair apesar de cheio, foi muito fácil e eficiente para pagar e se já não estivesse tão cansado e com alguns problemas particulares, saí de lá por volta de 2h15 com uma satisfação muito grande, de ter dessa vez anotado muita coisa e conseguido deixar o coração em paz me divertindo sem precisar provar nada para ninguém e "trabalhando" com aquilo que gosto e tento fazer da melhor maneira possível para levar conhecimento e turismo para quem quer que aprecie e ame a arte de "turismar" e suas ramificações pertinentes.
We even could go to a nightclub branch of Boteco São Gabriel, but the atmosphere was once again contagious and once again full of beautiful people, plus a local bartender show with the bottles and the kindness and attention of others, only I did not like the chopp very much, it was very easy and efficient to go out and it was very easy and efficient to pay and if I was not so tired and with some particular problems, I left there around 2:15 with great satisfaction, I have scored a lot and managed to leave my heart in peace amusing myself without having to prove anything to anyone and "working" with what I like and try to do the best possible way to bring knowledge and tourism to anyone who appreciates and loves the art of " Tourism "and its relevant ramifications.
We even could go to a nightclub branch of Boteco São Gabriel, but the atmosphere was once again contagious and once again full of beautiful people, plus a local bartender show with the bottles and the kindness and attention of others, only I did not like the chopp very much, it was very easy and efficient to go out and it was very easy and efficient to pay and if I was not so tired and with some particular problems, I left there around 2:15 with great satisfaction, I have scored a lot and managed to leave my heart in peace amusing myself without having to prove anything to anyone and "working" with what I like and try to do the best possible way to bring knowledge and tourism to anyone who appreciates and loves the art of " Tourism "and its relevant ramifications.
Bom por enquanto é só, apenas informando que ao longo da semana eu irei incorporando alguns vídeos que fiz, já rateei a data, dia mundial do turismo, pois o upload do vídeo está muito lento, então quem gosta de ler a matéria, passe de novo pela página durante a semana que colocarei outros vídeos pertinentes...
Good for now... Just informing that throughout the week I will incorporate some videos I have done, I have already apportioned the date, world tourism day, because the video upload is very slow, so those who like to read the story, New by the page during the week that will put other pertinent videos ...
Good for now... Just informing that throughout the week I will incorporate some videos I have done, I have already apportioned the date, world tourism day, because the video upload is very slow, so those who like to read the story, New by the page during the week that will put other pertinent videos ...
Shalom aleihem... Viajar é preciso, mesmo que apenas na sua imaginação!
Traveling is necessary, even if only in your imagination!
Traveling is necessary, even if only in your imagination!
Fazer Turismo é como explorar um oceano
e enxergar oportunidades no horizonte,
em busca de descanso e felicidade "
e enxergar oportunidades no horizonte,
em busca de descanso e felicidade "
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Donations to help: 1357 013 00018730-1
Caixa Economica Federal
São Sebastião SP Brazil
Twitter: @tourismejippSkype: peppe.de.paula 55 12 997141841 Mtb: 0077272/SP |
Adorei! Muito bom, Peppe! :D