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Prof.Esp.Cons. Péppe De Paula |
Dear readers, the summer came, along with it deserved vacation of thousands of people, and of course here on our continent, because unlike in other continents begins a rigorous and snowy winter, as in many parts of the United States and Europe, what is good also, in our view.
De certa forma, quem pode viajar a procura de sol e calor, vai fazer isso e com certeza deslocar-se de um continente a outro hoje em dia é tão fácil como navegar na internet.
In a way, who can travel to looking for sun and heat, will do that and certainly move from one continent to another today is as easy as browsing the internet.
In a way, who can travel to looking for sun and heat, will do that and certainly move from one continent to another today is as easy as browsing the internet.
Meu texto de hoje fala ou tenta sugerir justamente isso e mesmo contra a minha vontade, divulgar o turismo nessa cidade tão aprazível e tão mal gerenciada turisticamente como São Sebastião.
My text today speaks or tries to suggest just that and even against my will, promotion of tourism in this city so pleasant and so poorly managed tourism industry like São Sebastião
My text today speaks or tries to suggest just that and even against my will, promotion of tourism in this city so pleasant and so poorly managed tourism industry like São Sebastião
Contra a minha vontade, pois ha muito tempo já desisti dela, tamanha irresponsabilidade de diferentes governos em insistir em tratar o TURISMO amadoristicamente, o que ocasiona essa falta e desconhecimento de um mercado tão vendável como o território Sebastianense, fazendo com que a igualmente turística Ilhabela, tomasse conta totalmente das atenções nacionais e internacionais que nos transformou apenas como uma passagem para o arquipélago vizinho.
Against my will, for a long time already gave her such irresponsibility of different governments to insist on treating TOURISM amateurishly, which causes this lack and lack of a market as salable as the territory Sebastianense, causing the tourist also Ilhabela , fully take account of national and international attention that made us only as a passage to the nearby archipelago.
Against my will, for a long time already gave her such irresponsibility of different governments to insist on treating TOURISM amateurishly, which causes this lack and lack of a market as salable as the territory Sebastianense, causing the tourist also Ilhabela , fully take account of national and international attention that made us only as a passage to the nearby archipelago.
Mas não vou lamentar no meu blog, pelo contrário, o meu intuito é "vender" as atratividades maravilhosas e acessíveis em uma fartura de escolhas que até hoje os "pseudo profissionais" que passaram por várias administrações até hoje não mapearam com propriedade, para uma informação adequada a um mercado sedento para consumir TURISMO!
But I will not regret on my blog, on the contrary, my intention is to "sell" the wonderful and affordable attractiveness in an abundance of choices that today the "pseudo professionals" who have gone through several administrations still have not mapped properly, for a adequate information to a hungry market to consume TOURISM!
But I will not regret on my blog, on the contrary, my intention is to "sell" the wonderful and affordable attractiveness in an abundance of choices that today the "pseudo professionals" who have gone through several administrations still have not mapped properly, for a adequate information to a hungry market to consume TOURISM!
Então meus caros leitores e seguidores, VENHAM PARA SÃO SEBASTIÃO e usufruam de um lugar maravilhoso com vários atrativos, inúmeras praias, diversão para todos os gostos e bolsos.
So my dear readers and followers, COMING TO SÃO SEBASTIÃO and enjoy a wonderful place with lots of attractions, numerous beaches, fun for all tastes and pockets.
Neste post inicial de férias, vou divulgar algumas praias e informações para um divertimento a altura do esforço que todos fizeram, por trabalharem em um ano difícil, mas que com certeza merecidamente desfrutarão nessa temporada que começa.
In this initial post holiday, I will disclose some information to beaches and a fun time of the effort that everyone made for working in a difficult year, but certainly deservedly enjoy this season that begins.
In this initial post holiday, I will disclose some information to beaches and a fun time of the effort that everyone made for working in a difficult year, but certainly deservedly enjoy this season that begins.
São Sebastião possui mais de 100 km lineares de praias paradisíacas e para todos os gostos, aqui nesse texto vou citar da costa norte e as da área central, onde poderão se divertir com a febre do verão o "standup padle" , mais conhecido como SUP, como também, maravilhosos passeios de barco, alugando-os para pesca, conhecer as praias, ilhas e etc. Momentos que certamente serão inesquecíveis.
São Sebastião has over 100 linear miles of pristine beaches and for all tastes, here in this text I will quote the north coast and in the central area, where they can have fun with summer fever "standup paddle", better known as SUP but also, wonderful boating, renting them for fishing, visit the beaches, islands, etc. Moments that will surely be unforgettable.
São Sebastião has over 100 linear miles of pristine beaches and for all tastes, here in this text I will quote the north coast and in the central area, where they can have fun with summer fever "standup paddle", better known as SUP but also, wonderful boating, renting them for fishing, visit the beaches, islands, etc. Moments that will surely be unforgettable.
Para os apreciantes do "kite surf" temos a Praia da Enseada, com ventos suficientemente fortes e propícios à pratica desse esporte:
For apreciantes the "kite surfing" we have the Beach "Enseada", with sufficiently strong winds and conducive to practice this sport:
For apreciantes the "kite surfing" we have the Beach "Enseada", with sufficiently strong winds and conducive to practice this sport:
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Kite surf flying....Foto: Autor desconhecido |
Vocês poderão encontrar o experiente Nereu Silveira Gonçalves que poderá auxiliá-los nas informações referentes a equipamentos, aulas e etc... Entrem em contato através do facebook no link abaixo:
You may find the experienced Nereu Silveira Gonçalves that can assist them in information regarding the equipment, classes, etc ... Get in touch through facebook the link below:
You may find the experienced Nereu Silveira Gonçalves that can assist them in information regarding the equipment, classes, etc ... Get in touch through facebook the link below:
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Nereu Gonçalves - Kitesurfer Foto : Autor Desconhecido |
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Nereu Gonçalves - Kitesurfer em manobra - Foto: autor desconhecido |
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Praia da Enseada - Foto By Nereu Gonçalves |
Bom é só você procurar com as dicas dadas aqui no blog que você pode começar a praticar esse esporte radical e fervilhante e que farão de suas férias, sendo brasileiro ou estrangeiro, os momentos mais inesquecíveis da sua vida.
Well it's just you look for with the tips given here on the blog you can start practicing this radical and teeming sport and that will make your holiday, with Brazilian or foreign, the most unforgettable moments of your life.
Well it's just you look for with the tips given here on the blog you can start practicing this radical and teeming sport and that will make your holiday, with Brazilian or foreign, the most unforgettable moments of your life.
Para continuar com o mar temos mais adiante a Praia do Arrastão, excelente praia para a prática do "standup paddle" ou SUP como os aficionados chamam, a grande febre do momento para os endinheirados e o novo sonho de consumo para as outras classes sociais.
To continue with the sea, we later the "Praia do Arrastão", excellent beach for the practice of "standup paddle" or SUP as lovers call, the great fever of the moment for the rich and the new dream of consumption for the other social classes.
To continue with the sea, we later the "Praia do Arrastão", excellent beach for the practice of "standup paddle" or SUP as lovers call, the great fever of the moment for the rich and the new dream of consumption for the other social classes.
Na frente da praia, na pista, você também encontra um pequeno shopping com algumas lojas , bares, restaurante e estrutura para lhe atender adequadamente.
In front of the beach, on the track, you will also find a small mall with a few shops, bars, restaurants and structure to serve you properly.
Para o "standup paddle" vocês podem, ou adquirir a própria prancha e caso se interessem entrem em contato nos telefones fornecidos abaixo no fim da matéria com meu logotipo ou procurem na própria praia o conhecido e simpático instrutor e proprietários das pranchas para alugar https://www.facebook.com/rogers.slater?fref=ts
For the "paddle standup" you may or may acquire own board and if interested to contact the phone numbers provided below in order of matter with my logo or look on the beach itself known and friendly instructor and owners of boards for rent https: //www.facebook.com/rogers.slater?fref=ts
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Roger e sua equipe para atendê-lo Foto: autor desconhecido |
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O anfitrião e instrutor Roger Foto: Autor desconhecido |
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Roger instrutor com barco de Cruzeiro ao fundo na ilhabela Foto: Autor Desconhecido |
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Até eu - Péppe De Paula - Standup na Praia do arrastão Foto: By Fernando Mendes |
Only two attractive, but I assure you spend hours and recommend wonderful, fun and unforgettable.
E caso queiram passear pelo mar alugando uma boa embarcação, onde vocês poderão visitar vários locais com paisagens impressionantes ao longo da costa de São Sebastião ou mesmo Ilhabela e até pescar ou mergulhar em águas transparentes e calmas, para que isso fique registrado em suas mentes e corações é só clicar...
And if they want to walk by the sea renting a good boat, where you can visit various places with stunning scenery along the coast of São Sebastião or even Ilhabela and even fishing or diving in clear and calm waters, for this to be recorded in their minds and hearts just click ...
E para isso poderão contar com o profissionalismo da Maranil Transportes https://www.facebook.com/pages/Maranil-Transporte-comercio-e-servi%C3%A7os-de-limpeza-maritmas/391903450975823
And for that they can count on the professionalism of MARANIL Transportationhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Maranil-Transporte-comercio-e-servi%C3%A7os-de-limpeza-maritmas/391903450975823
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Deck Lancha Potenza Foto: Autor desconhecido |
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Interior lancha - Foto: Autor desconhecido |
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Lancha Potenza- Autor desconhecido |
That's it for today friends, some travel tips for this great summer approaching this beautiful region of the North Coast of São Paulo, called São Sebastião.
E caso se interessem em adquirir sua própria prancha de standup, personalizada ou de entrega imediata é só entrarem em contato nos meus telefones abaixo.
And if interested in acquiring its own board of standup, custom or immediate delivery is only come into contact in my phone below.
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Oficina- Foto: By Péppe De Paula |
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Péppe De Paula - Fábrica de Pranchas |
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Péppe De Paula na Fábrica de Pranchas |
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Pranchas quase prontas Foto: By Péppe De Paula |
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Pranchas Diversos Padrões Foto: By Péppe De Paula |
By this time it's just more tips in the next posts, do not forget to comment, criticize, suggest and even thus cursing wish, lol ... Aloha!
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