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Blogger Prof.Esp. Péppe de Paula...Viajando por aí... Blogger Prof.Esp. Péppe de Paula ... Traveling around ... |
Meus caros leitores, se é que eu ainda tenha alguns além dos poucos seguidores (rsrs) que leem meus posts sobre TURISMO, mais de um ano sem escrever, sem postar. Na realidade, um pouco desanimado com esse negligente, incompetente e amador mercado nas nossas terras tupiniquins.
My dear readers, if I still have some besides the few followers (lol) who read my posts on TOURISM, more than a year without writing, without posting. In fact, a bit disheartened with this negligent, incompetent and amateur market in our Tupiniquins lands.
My dear readers, if I still have some besides the few followers (lol) who read my posts on TOURISM, more than a year without writing, without posting. In fact, a bit disheartened with this negligent, incompetent and amateur market in our Tupiniquins lands.
O politicismo corrupto e corriqueiro, herança desde 1808, época em que o marido da "Louca" transformou a colônia em sede da coroa Lusitana, ainda comanda, através do poderoso MINISTÉRIO DO TURISMO e seus cargos apadrinhados, quem trabalha na área, apesar dos pseudos conhecimentos em TURISMO E HOTELARIA, o que caracteriza o amadorismo, incompetência, ineficiência e falta de qualidade no TURISMO RECEPTIVO brasileiro...
The corrupt politicism, inherited since 1808, when the husband of the "Madwoman" transformed the colony into the headquarters of the Lusitanian crown, still commands, through the powerful MINISTRY OF TOURISM and its sponsored positions, who works in the area, despite the pseudos Knowledge in TOURISM AND HOTELS, which characterizes amateurism, incompetence, inefficiency and lack of quality in the Brazilian RECEPTIVE TOURISM ...
The corrupt politicism, inherited since 1808, when the husband of the "Madwoman" transformed the colony into the headquarters of the Lusitanian crown, still commands, through the powerful MINISTRY OF TOURISM and its sponsored positions, who works in the area, despite the pseudos Knowledge in TOURISM AND HOTELS, which characterizes amateurism, incompetence, inefficiency and lack of quality in the Brazilian RECEPTIVE TOURISM ...
Enfim, além desse motivo e de outros, os quais me fizeram parar de escrever, o fato é que vou RENASCER, levantar-me do marasmo e da falta de perspectiva profissional que acredito que todos os PROFISSIONAIS DE TURISMO passam nesse país de ALTOS IMPOSTOS, BAIXOS SALÁRIOS (menos os da abastada e favorecida CLASSE PO(dre)LÍTICA...), onde cada vez mais tem-se a dificuldade de encontrar colocações (mesmo que sem carteira assinada), consultorias e palestras na área , ocupada por pseudo "conhecedores", aventureiros protegidos pelo "coronelismo político brasileiro" (Eitaaaaaa...).
Anyway, in addition to this motive and others, which made me stop writing, the fact is that I will RENASCER, get up from the slump and lack of professional perspective that I believe all TOURISM PROFESSIONALS spend in this country of HIGH TAXES, LESS WAGES (less those of the well-off and favored POLITICAL CLASS ...), where it is increasingly difficult to find placements (even without a signed portfolio), consultancies and lectures in the area, occupied by pseudo " Connoisseurs ", adventurers protected by" Brazilian political coronelism ".
Anyway, in addition to this motive and others, which made me stop writing, the fact is that I will RENASCER, get up from the slump and lack of professional perspective that I believe all TOURISM PROFESSIONALS spend in this country of HIGH TAXES, LESS WAGES (less those of the well-off and favored POLITICAL CLASS ...), where it is increasingly difficult to find placements (even without a signed portfolio), consultancies and lectures in the area, occupied by pseudo " Connoisseurs ", adventurers protected by" Brazilian political coronelism ".
Vamos escrever assim mesmo, produzir, criar, criticar, mostrar a realidade e mesmo assessorar nas dicas, trocar experiências nessa inesquecível experiência de viajar e conhecer, arraigar culturas, costumes, cheiros, cores e sabores desse fantástico planeta, além do motivo que necessito dessa TERAPIA, pois estou meio cansado de TER A PIA cheia de louça para lavar em casa (rsrs), entre outros motivos pessoais o de insistir e quem sabe de vez em quando conseguir alguns "bicos" como consultor ou palestrante (Garanto que as palestras serão muito divertidas e interessantes, além de esclarecedoras - modéstia à parte - ).
Let's write, produce, create, critique, show reality and even advise on tips, exchange experiences in this unforgettable experience of traveling and knowing, rooting cultures, customs, smells, colors and flavors of this fantastic planet, and the reason I need this THERAPY, as I am a little tired of having the sink full of dishes to wash at home (lol), among other personal reasons to insist and who knows from time to time to get some "tips" as a consultant or speaker (I guarantee that the lectures will be Very entertaining and interesting, as well as enlightening - modesty aside).
Let's write, produce, create, critique, show reality and even advise on tips, exchange experiences in this unforgettable experience of traveling and knowing, rooting cultures, customs, smells, colors and flavors of this fantastic planet, and the reason I need this THERAPY, as I am a little tired of having the sink full of dishes to wash at home (lol), among other personal reasons to insist and who knows from time to time to get some "tips" as a consultant or speaker (I guarantee that the lectures will be Very entertaining and interesting, as well as enlightening - modesty aside).
Vou pesquisar, estudar, ler e reapresentar através de meus posts, talvez o mesmo formato anterior desse blog sobre esse tema apaixonante, talvez já nos "próximos episódios desse canal" , se encontrar em meus arquivos fotográficos, o restante da viagem a Cruzeiro, estado de São Paulo e Sul de Minas, senão, outro assunto qualquer que venha a ser interessante do meu ponto de vista, quiça, agrade outros "paladares" dessa literatura específica...
I will research, study, read and resubmit through my posts, perhaps the same format of this blog on this exciting topic, maybe already in the "next episodes of this channel", found in my photographic files, the rest of the trip to Cruzeiro, state Of São Paulo and the South of Minas Gerais, otherwise, any other subject that may be interesting from my point of view, perhaps, please other "palates" of that specific literature ...
I will research, study, read and resubmit through my posts, perhaps the same format of this blog on this exciting topic, maybe already in the "next episodes of this channel", found in my photographic files, the rest of the trip to Cruzeiro, state Of São Paulo and the South of Minas Gerais, otherwise, any other subject that may be interesting from my point of view, perhaps, please other "palates" of that specific literature ...
Até lá então...
Until then ...
Until then ...
“A água
que puseste no teu vinho não pode
mais ser retirada. Porém
tudo se transforma. E recomeçar
é possível mesmo no último suspiro.”
"The water
That you put in your wine can not
More be withdrawn. However
everything changes. And start over
It is possible even at the last breath. "
More be withdrawn. However
everything changes. And start over
It is possible even at the last breath. "
Bertolt Brecht
Um dia hei de renascer numa grande cidade de outro sistema planetário, no passado ou no futuro, onde uma única montanha de 5 quilômetros de altitude se recorta no céu azul - com toda a compaixão que sinto dentro de mim, a única coisa que vou precisar é da sabedoria da terra."
Jack Kerouac
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