Quase um ano sem aparecer aqui, significa que o trabalho continua árduo e a luta também, no entanto ninguém apareceu ou percebeu que eu existo, rsrs, menos mal, cada vez mais, me acostumo com a minha solitude...
Mas vou mudar o foco, vou escrever sobre turismo, minhas considerações e dicas, quem sabe, atraio clientes ou novos amigos pelo mundo?
Inaugurando o PÉPPEDEPAULA-CONSULTING-TURISMO-BRASIL.COM, sejam bem vindos nessa viajem!!!!
Près d'un an sans montrer ici, signifie que le travail dur et se battent encore trop, mais personne n'est venu ou réalisé que j'existe (rsrs), moins de mal, de plus en plus, de s'habituer à ma solitude ...
Mais je vais changer la mise au point, je vais écrire sur le tourisme, mes pensées et mes conseils, peut-être, attirer de nouveaux clients ou des amis partout dans le monde?
Inauguration de la PÉPPEDEPAULA-CONSULTING-TOURISME-BRASIL.COM, bienvenue sur ce voyage!
Nearly a year without showing here means that work hard and fight too, but nobody came and realized that I exist (rsrs), less trouble, more and more, get used to my loneliness ...
But I will change the focus, I'll write about tourism, my thoughts and advice, perhaps, attract new customers and friends around the world?
Inauguration of the PÉPPEDEPAULA-CONSULTING-TOURISM-BRASIL.COM, welcome on this trip!

A corner to do, propose, consulting, lectures reflections on tourism, travel, Physical Education for Tourism, experiences in other countries, comments and criticisms of travel and places, making friends around the world, and why not win customers for lectures, training and experience on the issues above ... A trip in our hearts and experiences! Um cantinho especial para se tratar de turismo em todops os seus segmentos e aspectos! Participe!
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