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Prof.Esp Péppe de Paula Foto By Fernando Mendes |
Como diz meu filho : "E ae?" galera descolada que gosta de sair e agitar, "balançar o esqueleto" , lançar olhares, charmes e gestos, mas que também, sem saber, faz turismo de lazer e até contagiam turistas que estão na região a trabalho, passeio, negócios e etc...
As my son says, "So what?" A gentleman who likes to go out and shake,just having fun, cast glances, charms and gestures, but also, unknowingly, does leisure tourism and even infect tourists who are in the region for work, sightseeing, business, etc. ..
As my son says, "So what?" A gentleman who likes to go out and shake,just having fun, cast glances, charms and gestures, but also, unknowingly, does leisure tourism and even infect tourists who are in the region for work, sightseeing, business, etc. ..
Na teoria dá-se o nome de TURISMO ao conjunto de atividades realizadas pelos indivíduos durante suas viagens e estadias em lugares diferentes daqueles do seu entorno habitual por um período de tempo consecutivo inferior a um ano. Geralmente, a atividade turística é realizada com fins de lazer, embora também exista o turismo por razões de negócios e outros motivos...
In theory, the name TOURISM is called the set of activities performed by individuals during their travels and stays in places other than those in their usual environment for a consecutive period of less than one year. Generally, the tourist activity is carried out for leisure purposes, although there is also tourism for business reasons and other reasons ...
In theory, the name TOURISM is called the set of activities performed by individuals during their travels and stays in places other than those in their usual environment for a consecutive period of less than one year. Generally, the tourist activity is carried out for leisure purposes, although there is also tourism for business reasons and other reasons ...
Leia mais: Conceito de turismo - O que é, Definição e Significado http://conceito.de/turismo
Então é exatamente o que venho a promulgar no meu blog ultimamente, esse TURISMO, que nós mesmos estamos fazendo por aqui ao nos deslocarmos do "nosso entorno habitual" e buscarmos alternativas de lazer e entretenimento, onde movimentamos a economia ao adquirir os serviços para chegar a tais lugares, TURISMO esse que estou denominando de TURISMO SOCIAL
So that is exactly what I have been promulgating in my blog lately, this TOURISM, that we ourselves are doing here as we move from "our usual surroundings" and seek alternatives of leisure and entertainment, where we move the economy when acquiring the services to arrive To such places, TOURISM that I am calling SOCIAL TOURISM
So that is exactly what I have been promulgating in my blog lately, this TOURISM, that we ourselves are doing here as we move from "our usual surroundings" and seek alternatives of leisure and entertainment, where we move the economy when acquiring the services to arrive To such places, TOURISM that I am calling SOCIAL TOURISM
As "autoridades locais" autodenominadas motivadoras e conhecedoras de TURISMO, na verdade pseudos analistas que não conseguem visualizar horizontes para o marasmo impotente que ha muito contamina a região, caracterizada pelo veranismo predador, em parceria com a falta de planejamento, plano diretor e incompetência repetida em insistir em não profissionais ou nomeações sem a excelência ou competência técnica para a gerência do TURISMO...
The self-styled "local authorities" who are motivators and knowers of TOURISM, in fact pseudo-analysts who can not see horizons for the impassioned marasm that has greatly contaminated the region, characterized by predatorism, in partnership with lack of planning, master plan and repeated incompetence In insisting on non-professionals or appointments without the excellence or technical competence for the management of TOURISM ...
The self-styled "local authorities" who are motivators and knowers of TOURISM, in fact pseudo-analysts who can not see horizons for the impassioned marasm that has greatly contaminated the region, characterized by predatorism, in partnership with lack of planning, master plan and repeated incompetence In insisting on non-professionals or appointments without the excellence or technical competence for the management of TOURISM ...
Estar atento à menor forma de arrecadação na área já seria um "start" na maneira de considerar a "vida noturna" da região como um foco de movimentação do turismo, seja com um calendário, divulgação, pesquisa, controle e etc ou uma atenção maior na movimentação econômica que isso impacta na região, tenho certeza que não é pouco e tudo isso gera impostos, taxas, tributos e etc, n'est-ce pas?
Being aware of the smallest form of collection in the area would already be a "start" in the way of considering the region's "nightlife" as a focus of tourism movement, whether with a calendar, dissemination, research, control and etc. or greater attention In the economic movement that this impacts in the region, I am sure that is not little and all this generates taxes, many taxes, "Is not it?"
Being aware of the smallest form of collection in the area would already be a "start" in the way of considering the region's "nightlife" as a focus of tourism movement, whether with a calendar, dissemination, research, control and etc. or greater attention In the economic movement that this impacts in the region, I am sure that is not little and all this generates taxes, many taxes, "Is not it?"
Para ilustrar minha postagem vou mencionar alguns micro empresários que promovem as conhecidas "baladas" e alguns locais que movimentam essa "galera" em busca de algo a fazer nessa nossa cidade tão apagada e triste turisticamente falando.
To illustrate my post I will mention some micro entrepreneurs who promote the well-known "ballads" (Partys) and some places that move this "people" in search of something to do in our city so dull and sad touristy speaking.
To illustrate my post I will mention some micro entrepreneurs who promote the well-known "ballads" (Partys) and some places that move this "people" in search of something to do in our city so dull and sad touristy speaking.
O promoter Dan Oliveira (https://www.facebook.com/dan.oliveir) tem feito um trabalho atuante no "night business" ultimamente na região, principalmente em São Sebastião Litoral Norte de São Paulo, promovendo DJ's renomados como Ricardo Menga, residente do Sirena, famosa casa noturna local que fica na praia (bairro) de Maresias (https://www.facebook.com/sirenamaresiasoficial) como também bandas locais dos mais variados estilos em casas e bares noturnos da região, como por exemplo o bem descolado Mozebas Bar ( http://mozebas.blogspot.com.br/) que tem um espaço muito bom e que fica na praia (bairro) de Barequeçaba.
Promoter Dan Oliveira (https://www.facebook.com/dan.oliveir) has been working in "night business" lately in the region, mainly in São Sebastião North Coast of São Paulo, promoting renowned DJs such as Ricardo Menga, Resident of the Sirena, famous local nightclub that is in the beach (neighborhood) of Maresias (https://www.facebook.com/sirenamaresiasoficial) as well as local bands of the most varied in houses and night bars of the region, as for example the Well laid out Mozebas Bar (http://mozebas.blogspot.com.br/) which has a very good space and that is in the beach (neighborhood) of Barequeçaba.
Promoter Dan Oliveira (https://www.facebook.com/dan.oliveir) has been working in "night business" lately in the region, mainly in São Sebastião North Coast of São Paulo, promoting renowned DJs such as Ricardo Menga, Resident of the Sirena, famous local nightclub that is in the beach (neighborhood) of Maresias (https://www.facebook.com/sirenamaresiasoficial) as well as local bands of the most varied in houses and night bars of the region, as for example the Well laid out Mozebas Bar (http://mozebas.blogspot.com.br/) which has a very good space and that is in the beach (neighborhood) of Barequeçaba.
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Praia Bairro de Barequeçaba Foto de autoria desconhecida https://www.facebook.com/barequecaba/photos |
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Praia do Bairro de São Francisco Foto By Laerte Fonseca https://www.facebook.com/PraiadoBairroSaoFranciscoSaoSebastiao |
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Praia Bairro de Maresias Foto By Fernando Mendes https://www.facebook.com/praiademaresias |
Algumas dessas bandas como a muito boa Senhor. Bamba já começa a despontar no cenário "show businnes" com a presença de público simpatizante com a boa qualidade oferecida por esses jovens e batalhadores músicos, eu recomendo e até acredito que logo, logo eles chamarão a atenção do milionário negócio das gravadores (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sr-Bamba). Mazal Tov para eles!
Some of these bands like the very good Lord. Bamba already begins to appear in the "show businnes" scenario with the presence of public sympathizing with the good quality offered by these young and struggling musicians, I recommend and even believe that soon, soon they will catch the attention of the millionaire recording business (https: //www.facebook.com/pages/Sr-Bamba). Mazal Tov to them!
Some of these bands like the very good Lord. Bamba already begins to appear in the "show businnes" scenario with the presence of public sympathizing with the good quality offered by these young and struggling musicians, I recommend and even believe that soon, soon they will catch the attention of the millionaire recording business (https: //www.facebook.com/pages/Sr-Bamba). Mazal Tov to them!
Ainda existem outras casas que fui (não a trabalho), outras que já mencionei aqui ou irei e mencionarei no blog em outras ocasiões, dependendo do convite (rsrs) e da indicação é claro, pois, estarei olhando com um olhar crítico e profissional e sobretudo acrescentado com o meu ponto de vista que favorece o turista, mas são muitos e muitos lugares, em Caraguatatuba, São Sebastião, Ilhabela e Ubatuba, cheios de atrações, gastronomia, boa música e pessoas de todas as faixas etárias, onde turistas locais e visitantes poderão desfrutar de bons e agradáveis momentos, sendo moradores ou visitantes.
There are still other houses that I have been to (not to work), others that I have mentioned here or will and will mention in the blog on other occasions, depending on the invitation (lol) and the indication of course, therefore, I will be looking with a critical and professional look and Especially added with my view that favors the tourist, but there are many and many places, in Caraguatatuba, São Sebastião, Ilhabela and Ubatuba, full of attractions, gastronomy, good music and people of all age groups, where local tourists and Visitors can enjoy good and pleasant moments, being residents or visitors.
There are still other houses that I have been to (not to work), others that I have mentioned here or will and will mention in the blog on other occasions, depending on the invitation (lol) and the indication of course, therefore, I will be looking with a critical and professional look and Especially added with my view that favors the tourist, but there are many and many places, in Caraguatatuba, São Sebastião, Ilhabela and Ubatuba, full of attractions, gastronomy, good music and people of all age groups, where local tourists and Visitors can enjoy good and pleasant moments, being residents or visitors.
O fotógrafo jornalista Fernando Mendes (https://www.facebook.com/By.Fernando.Mendes )
tem me acompanhado para fazer as fotos ou eu ele e mostrado esse "jet set litorâneo" e também promove vários "points turísticos" desse litoral magicamente cortado no estado de São Paulo, com praias paradisíacas e bons atrativos noturnos que só precisam de divulgação e apoio dos governos locais, recomendo uma visita pela sua página antes de decidir para onde ir ou arrepender-se de não ter ido ou para conferir se você está em alguma foto...
The photographer journalist Fernando Mendes (https://www.facebook.com/By.Fernando.Mendes)
Has accompanied me to make the photos or I he and shown this "jet set littoral" and also promotes several "tourist points" of this coast magically cut in the state of São Paulo, with paradisiac beaches and good night attractions that only need dissemination and support Of local governments, I recommend a visit on your page before deciding where to go or regret not having gone or to check if you are in some photo ...
The photographer journalist Fernando Mendes (https://www.facebook.com/By.Fernando.Mendes)
Has accompanied me to make the photos or I he and shown this "jet set littoral" and also promotes several "tourist points" of this coast magically cut in the state of São Paulo, with paradisiac beaches and good night attractions that only need dissemination and support Of local governments, I recommend a visit on your page before deciding where to go or regret not having gone or to check if you are in some photo ...
Fotos By Fernando Mendes:
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Prof.Esp.Péppe de Paula e amigas Halloween Party Mozebas Bar |
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DJ Residente do Sirena Maresias Ricardo Menga no Mozebas Bar Foto By Fernando Mendes |
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Sr.Bamba - Foto By Fernando Mendes Bairro Music Bar |
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Sr.Bamba - Foto By Fernando Mendes Bairro Music Bar |
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Sr.Bamba - Metais Foto By Fernando Mendes Bairro music bar |
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Péppe De Paula e Amigos Foto By Fernando Mendes Bairro Music Bar |
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Péppe De Paula e Amigos Foto By Fernando Mendes Bairro music Bar |
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Amigos entre Fernando Mendes e Péppe De Paula Bairro Music Bar |
É isso aí amigos, por hoje é isso e espero que gostem, comentem, critiquem, opinem sobre o blog e igualmente deem sugestões, é sempre muito bom saber que uma boa leitura pode ajudar, informar e sobretudo fazer valorizar a arte de saber viver, desfrutando das riquezas que D'us nos presenteia todos os dias e onde, pelo menos eu, sou eternamente agradecido!
That's it friends, for today it's this and I hope you like it, comment it, criticize it, comment on the blog and also give suggestions, it's always good to know that a good reading can help, inform and above all make value the art of knowing how to live, Enjoying the riches that Gd presents to us every day and where, at least, I am eternally grateful!
That's it friends, for today it's this and I hope you like it, comment it, criticize it, comment on the blog and also give suggestions, it's always good to know that a good reading can help, inform and above all make value the art of knowing how to live, Enjoying the riches that Gd presents to us every day and where, at least, I am eternally grateful!
Shalom aleihem!!! E até a próxima postagem...
And until the next post ...
And until the next post ...