No texto dessa semana vou tentar abordar um assunto que constantemente visualizo nas várias comunidades do facebook, principalmente nessa época do ano em que as praias do Litoral Norte Paulista ficam infestadas e todos, alguns até exacerbadamente , criticam a massa humana que aqui vem passar suas festas e férias de verão.
In the text of this week I will try to address a subject that I constantly see in the various communities of facebook, especially at this time of year when the beaches of the North Coast of São Paulo are infested and all, some even exacerbated, criticize the human mass that comes here to spend their holidays And summer vacation.
In the text of this week I will try to address a subject that I constantly see in the various communities of facebook, especially at this time of year when the beaches of the North Coast of São Paulo are infested and all, some even exacerbated, criticize the human mass that comes here to spend their holidays And summer vacation.
A ótica e entendimento desse fenômeno migratório em busca de sol e mar é extremamente complexa e explicável, porém no meu entendimento um fenômeno sem muita qualidade turística, sustentavelmente falando, principalmente porque o perfil do público alvo está mais para o veranista do que o turista, o que vou tentar mostrar nesse texto.
The view and understanding of this migratory phenomenon in search of sun and sea is extremely complex and explicable, but in my understanding a phenomenon without much tourism quality, sustainably speaking, mainly because the profile of the target audience is more for the vacationer than the tourist, Which I will try to show in this text.
The view and understanding of this migratory phenomenon in search of sun and sea is extremely complex and explicable, but in my understanding a phenomenon without much tourism quality, sustainably speaking, mainly because the profile of the target audience is more for the vacationer than the tourist, Which I will try to show in this text.
Segundo Moesch (2002), o primeiro registro da palavra TURISMO aparece em 1800 no dicionário OXFORD de inglês , segundo o qual TURISMO é a "teoria e prática de viajar, deslocar-se por prazer". Sabe-se que a palavra TURISMO tem influência francesa o que comprova que o termo utilizado atualmente deriva de raízes europeias. Para Hermann Von Schattenhofen apud Moesch (2002, p.10) "turismo é o conceito que compreende todos os processos , especialmente os econômicos , que se manifestam na chegada, na permanência e na saída do turista de um determinado município, país ou estado".
According to Moesch (2002), the first record of the word TOURISM appears in 1800 in the English OXFORD dictionary, according to which TOURISM is the "theory and practice of traveling, traveling for pleasure". It is known that the word TOURISM has French influence which proves that the term used today derives from European roots. For Hermann Von Schattenhofen apud Moesch (2002, p.10) "tourism is the concept that includes all the processes, especially the economic ones, that manifest themselves in the arrival, the permanence and the exit of the tourist of a certain municipality, country or state" .
According to Moesch (2002), the first record of the word TOURISM appears in 1800 in the English OXFORD dictionary, according to which TOURISM is the "theory and practice of traveling, traveling for pleasure". It is known that the word TOURISM has French influence which proves that the term used today derives from European roots. For Hermann Von Schattenhofen apud Moesch (2002, p.10) "tourism is the concept that includes all the processes, especially the economic ones, that manifest themselves in the arrival, the permanence and the exit of the tourist of a certain municipality, country or state" .
Já a OMT (Organização Mundial do Turismo), diz o seguinte: "...O Turismo inclui tanto o deslocamento e as atividades realizadas pelas pessoas durante suas viagens e estadas , bem como, as relações que surgem entre eles, em lugares distintos de seu ambiente natural, por um período de tempo consecutivo inferior a um ano e mínimo de 24 horas (pernoite no destino) , principalmente com fins de lazer , negócios e outros (OMT,2003)".
The World Tourism Organization (WTO) says: "... Tourism includes both the travel and the activities carried out by people during their travels and stays, as well as the relationships that arise between them, in places other than Its natural environment, for a consecutive period of less than one year and a minimum of 24 hours (overnight stay), mainly for leisure, business and other purposes (OMT, 2003). "
The World Tourism Organization (WTO) says: "... Tourism includes both the travel and the activities carried out by people during their travels and stays, as well as the relationships that arise between them, in places other than Its natural environment, for a consecutive period of less than one year and a minimum of 24 hours (overnight stay), mainly for leisure, business and other purposes (OMT, 2003). "
É óbvio que existem muitas outras definições, muitos outros estudos, artigos e publicações, mas analisando as epistemologias acima, podemos dizer que elas não explicam, nem definem onde estes deslocamentos e atividades tem estada, pois fala-se em estadas que numa primeira observação podem ser em hotéis, pousadas e ao meu ver as famigeradas casas de veraneio, onde começa a minha crítica e observação.
It is obvious that there are many other definitions, many other studies, articles and publications, but analyzing the epistemologies above, we can say that they do not explain or define where these displacements and activities have been, since it is spoken in stays that in a first observation can Be in hotels, inns and in my view the notorious holiday homes, where my criticism and observation begins.
It is obvious that there are many other definitions, many other studies, articles and publications, but analyzing the epistemologies above, we can say that they do not explain or define where these displacements and activities have been, since it is spoken in stays that in a first observation can Be in hotels, inns and in my view the notorious holiday homes, where my criticism and observation begins.
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Hospitalidade... Banco de imagens Google. |
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Contemplação e tranquilidade... Banco imagens Google: |
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Gastronomia... Banco de Imagens Google |
E muito, muito mais...
Agora o VERANISMO...
And much, much more ...
Now the VACATION...
É interessante deixar registrado aqui, além da minha opinião e interpretação dos termos VERANISMO, VERANISTA, a OMT os define como viajantes turistas, pois pernoitam no local, o que eu não concordo. Na verdade nas pesquisas virtuais existem muito poucas menções sobre essas duas palavras, no entanto elas são conhecidas fora do nossas fronteiras e consequentemente corroboram com os mesmos impactos na sustentabilidade do turismo.
It is interesting to register here, besides my opinion and interpretation of the terms VERANISMO (VACATION - SUMMER SEASON), VERANISTA (VACATIONER), the WTO defines them as tourists travelers, because they stay overnight, which I do not agree with. Indeed in virtual surveys there are very few mentions about these two words, however they are known outside our borders and consequently corroborate with the same impacts on the sustainability of tourism.
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Praia Martin de Sá lotada - Caraguatatuba Banco de Imagens Google |
However I found a very interesting publication in the virtual library of the GETÚLIO VARGAS FOUNDATION an article accompanying my thoughts on this difference between TOURISM AND VACATION, TOURIST AND VACATIONER, and explains how it should be explained to the experts on duty.
Transcrevo abaixo um pequeno trecho do artigo, para atiçar quem sabe a curiosidade, para um melhor entendimento da minha reflexão no texto dessa semana:
I transcribe below a small part of the article, to excite, who knows, the curiosity, for a better understanding of my reflection in the text of this week:
I transcribe below a small part of the article, to excite, who knows, the curiosity, for a better understanding of my reflection in the text of this week:
..."Ao tentar decifrar o significado desta previsibilidade e familiaridade por meio de teorias sociais do turismo, somos levados seja a descartar o veraneo como uma forma de turismo,seja a não conseguir compreender seu potencial emancipatório. Ao tomar como pressuposto a dicotomia entre casa e alhures (home andaway), na qual a casa é associada ao familiar e o alhures à novidade e ao exótico, o familiar tende a ser compreendido como tudo aquilo que o turista deixa para trás. Em um de seus escritos mais antigos sobre o assunto, Urry (1990: 2-3) argumenta que o turismo envolve o movimento de pessoas a “um novo lugar ou a novos lugares”, que logradouros turísticos são locais “fora do comum” e que há uma “clara intenção de voltar para ‘casa’”...
... "In trying to decipher the meaning of this predictability and familiarity through social theories of tourism, we are driven either to discard the summer as a form of tourism or to fail to understand its emancipatory potential. House and elsewhere (home andaway), in which the house is associated with the relative and the other to the novelty and the exotic, the familiar tends to be understood as everything that the tourist leaves behind.In one of his earliest writings on the Urry (1990: 2-3) argues that tourism involves the movement of people to "a new place or new places", that tourist places are "out of the ordinary" places and that there is a "clear intention to return to 'home'"...
... "In trying to decipher the meaning of this predictability and familiarity through social theories of tourism, we are driven either to discard the summer as a form of tourism or to fail to understand its emancipatory potential. House and elsewhere (home andaway), in which the house is associated with the relative and the other to the novelty and the exotic, the familiar tends to be understood as everything that the tourist leaves behind.In one of his earliest writings on the Urry (1990: 2-3) argues that tourism involves the movement of people to "a new place or new places", that tourist places are "out of the ordinary" places and that there is a "clear intention to return to 'home'"...
Tenho sim a real intensão de separar o pragmatismo do TURISMO para a informalidade e degradação do VERANISMO. Na minha análise, VERANISMO seria o deslocamento para estadias em casas de VERANEO e VERANISTAS as pessoas que alugam ou são proprietárias dessas casas, que concordo, não deixa de ser TURISMO, no entanto esse público alvo, não se renova:
I do have the real intention of separating the pragmatism of TOURISM into the informality and degradation of the SUMMER SEASON. In my analysis, VACATIOIN would be the displacement for stays in VACATION houses and VACATIONERS the people who rent or own these houses, which I agree with, it is not TOURISM, however, this target public is not renewed:
"...Contudo, os veraneantes exibem uma incrível fidelidade ao lugar, mesmo após perdas de status decorrente da expansão de construções. Isso sugere que uma dinâmica mais complexa está por trás da vivência do lugar..."
"... However, vacationers exhibit incredible fidelity to the place, even after loss of status due to the expansion of buildings, which suggests that a more complex dynamic is behind the experience of the place ..."
I do have the real intention of separating the pragmatism of TOURISM into the informality and degradation of the SUMMER SEASON. In my analysis, VACATIOIN would be the displacement for stays in VACATION houses and VACATIONERS the people who rent or own these houses, which I agree with, it is not TOURISM, however, this target public is not renewed:
"...Contudo, os veraneantes exibem uma incrível fidelidade ao lugar, mesmo após perdas de status decorrente da expansão de construções. Isso sugere que uma dinâmica mais complexa está por trás da vivência do lugar..."
"... However, vacationers exhibit incredible fidelity to the place, even after loss of status due to the expansion of buildings, which suggests that a more complex dynamic is behind the experience of the place ..."
Como se vê na citação do artigo ,geralmente é constante e muitos , os que são proprietários transformam suas segundas moradias em fonte de renda, sem dúvida um negócio lucrativo, principalmente pelo aumento de poder financeiro da "nova Classe C", ávida por consumo, como mencionei em artigo anterior que vocês poderão conferir, clicando aqui no link:
As can be seen in the quotation from the article, it is generally constant and many homeowners turn their second homes into a source of income, no doubt a profitable business, mainly because of the increase in financial power of the "new Class C", eager for consumption, As I mentioned in a previous article that you can check out by clicking here:
As can be seen in the quotation from the article, it is generally constant and many homeowners turn their second homes into a source of income, no doubt a profitable business, mainly because of the increase in financial power of the "new Class C", eager for consumption, As I mentioned in a previous article that you can check out by clicking here:
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Congestionamento nas Estradas -Tamoios Banco de Imagens Google |
Sem me aprofundar nas estimativas, mesmo porque em nossa região não existem muitos números ou estudos concernentes a esse segmento, mas, posso fazer uma estimativa aproximada do impacto que o VERANISMO causa nas cidades em que ele é disseminado sem controle. Imaginemos apenas uma casa de veraneio, confortável, com mais de 80 m2, com garagem e boas acomodações, alugada de R$ 800,00 a R$ 2.500,00/diária, então vamos lá, imaginemos apenas 5 carros nessa garagem 4 PAX por carro = 20 pessoas que não pagam impostos em cima das hospedagens, que não comem todos os dias em restaurantes e comércios de A&B, que não ligam para o meio ambiente e etc, e se fossem 10 seriam 40...e assim geometricamente, vocês podem imaginar o que acontece na região, ou melhor vocês presenciam isso, todos os anos!!!
Without going into the estimates, even though in our region there are not many numbers or studies pertaining to this segment, but I can roughly estimate the impact that VACATIOIN or SUMMISM has on the cities where it is spread uncontrollably. Let's just imagine a comfortable summer house with more than 80 m2, with garage and good accommodation, rented from R$ 800.00 to R$ 2.500,00 / daily, so let's just imagine 5 cars in this garage 4 PAX per Car = 20 people who do not pay taxes on top of the accommodation, who do not eat every day in A&B (Food and drinks) restaurants and shops, who do not care about the environment and etc, and if they were 10 they would be 40 ... and so geometrically , You can imagine what happens in the region, or rather you witness it, every year !!!
Without going into the estimates, even though in our region there are not many numbers or studies pertaining to this segment, but I can roughly estimate the impact that VACATIOIN or SUMMISM has on the cities where it is spread uncontrollably. Let's just imagine a comfortable summer house with more than 80 m2, with garage and good accommodation, rented from R$ 800.00 to R$ 2.500,00 / daily, so let's just imagine 5 cars in this garage 4 PAX per Car = 20 people who do not pay taxes on top of the accommodation, who do not eat every day in A&B (Food and drinks) restaurants and shops, who do not care about the environment and etc, and if they were 10 they would be 40 ... and so geometrically , You can imagine what happens in the region, or rather you witness it, every year !!!
Eu li postagens nos vários grupos do facebook, onde muitas vezes sou incluído sem meu conhecimento, das reclamações constantes em cima dos TURISTAS que para cá se deslocam todos os anos, mas que na verdade, a grande maioria deles é VERANISTA e não TURISTA, então, o foco e explicação do texto dessa semana e espero que leve a reflexões e sirva de posicionamento para uma mudança de paradigma na busca de um publico alvo diferente, de uma direção outra para a captação desse público, além de mudanças na execução de manobras de marketing, é óbvio que para que isso aconteça é extremamente necessária a participação ativa do TRADE, dos empresários e terceiro setor que direta e indiretamente sobrevivem exclusivamente do TURISMO!!!
I read posts in the various facebook groups, where I am often included without my knowledge, from the constant complaints about the tourists who come here every year, but in fact, the vast majority of them are VACATIONERS rather than TOURIST, so , The focus and explanation of the text of this week and hopefully lead to reflections and serve as a positioning for a paradigm shift in the search for a different target audience, from another direction to capture this audience, as well as changes in the execution of maneuvers Marketing, it is obvious that for this to happen, it is extremely necessary to actively participate in TRADE, the entrepreneurs and the third sector that directly and indirectly survive exclusively on TOURISM !!!
I read posts in the various facebook groups, where I am often included without my knowledge, from the constant complaints about the tourists who come here every year, but in fact, the vast majority of them are VACATIONERS rather than TOURIST, so , The focus and explanation of the text of this week and hopefully lead to reflections and serve as a positioning for a paradigm shift in the search for a different target audience, from another direction to capture this audience, as well as changes in the execution of maneuvers Marketing, it is obvious that for this to happen, it is extremely necessary to actively participate in TRADE, the entrepreneurs and the third sector that directly and indirectly survive exclusively on TOURISM !!!
Não posso de deixar o meu respeito àqueles que são adeptos em receber esse segmento, que discordam de minha posição como técnico e profissional e acho saudável e necessário o respeito de opiniões para que com a ajuda de cada uma delas consigamos equacionar com sustentabilidade o TURISMO de nossa região.
I can not leave my respect to those who are adept at receiving this segment, who disagree with my position as technician and professional and I think it is healthy and necessary the respect of opinions so that with the help of each one of them we can equate with sustainability the TOURISM of our region.
I can not leave my respect to those who are adept at receiving this segment, who disagree with my position as technician and professional and I think it is healthy and necessary the respect of opinions so that with the help of each one of them we can equate with sustainability the TOURISM of our region.
"Obviamente, desde que somos seres humanos, eternamente existirão algumas espécies de conflitos, rivalidades ou mesmo divergências de opiniões. Entretanto, terminantemente, jamais haver a necessidade de nutrirem-se de ódio ou mesmo matarem-se uns aos outros. "
( Daisaku Ikeda )
( Daisaku Ikeda )
"Obviously, as long as we are human beings, there will always be some kind of conflict, rivalry, or even divergence of opinion, but there will never be a need to nurture or hate each other."
(Daisaku Ikeda)
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