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Professor Consultor - Péppe De Paula |
Olá amigos do TURISMO, amantes das viagens, do pragmatismo dessa área e seus segmentos e tudo o que de maravilhoso conseguimos "fotografar" com nossos olhos e "registrar em nossas almas" que a arte de viajar nos proporciona...
Hello friends of TOURISM, lovers of travel, the pragmatism of this area and its segments and all that wonderful we can "photograph" with our eyes and "record in our souls" that the art of travel provides us ...
Hello friends of TOURISM, lovers of travel, the pragmatism of this area and its segments and all that wonderful we can "photograph" with our eyes and "record in our souls" that the art of travel provides us ...
Estive ausente no meu blog, não por falta de inspiração ou assuntos, mas infelizmente não vivo dele e tenho que trabalhar e também outros contratempos que me acometeram, mas aqui estou para escrever sobre uma viagem feita o ano passado e que vem a calhar falar dela aqui hoje, pois essa época é ideal para fazer esse circuito, cheio de paisagens deslumbrantes do fundo do Vale do Paraíba e o Sul de Minas Gerais...
I was absent from my blog, not for lack of inspiration or issues, but unfortunately I do not live with it and I have to work and also other mishaps that have hit me, but here I am to write about a trip made last year and that comes in a lot of talk about it Here today, because this season is ideal to make this circuit, full of breathtaking landscapes of the bottom of the Paraíba Valley and the South of Minas Gerais ...
I was absent from my blog, not for lack of inspiration or issues, but unfortunately I do not live with it and I have to work and also other mishaps that have hit me, but here I am to write about a trip made last year and that comes in a lot of talk about it Here today, because this season is ideal to make this circuit, full of breathtaking landscapes of the bottom of the Paraíba Valley and the South of Minas Gerais ...
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Aeroporto de São José dos Campos Google Images |
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Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos Google Images |
Não vou colocar aqui que o ponto de partida seria o Litoral Norte Paulista, onde resido, mas sim dois pontos principais o Aeroporto de Guarulhos na grande São Paulo ( http://www.aeroportoguarulhos.net/ ) e o outro o de São José dos Campos ( http://www.infraero.gov.br/index.php/br/aeroportos/sao-paulo/aeroporto-de-sao-jose-dos-campos.html), que tem a Rodovia Presidente Dutra como alça de acesso, pensando em favorecer leitores de outros estados e países.
I will not put here that the starting point would be the North Coast of São Paulo, where I live, but two main points are Guarulhos Airport in the great São Paulo and the other that of São José dos Campos ,which has the Presidente Dutra Highway as an access point, thinking of favoring readers from other states and countries.
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Acesso as Rodovias entre os dois Aeroportos Google Images |
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Serra da Mantiqueira e o "Gigante Adormecido" Google Images |
Aí começa nossa viagem, apesar que eu a comecei em Bragança Paulista, passei pela Fernão Dias entrei na D.Pedro e saí na Rodovia Presidente Dutra na altura de Jacareí em direção a Cruzeiro, minha cidade natal, no fundo do Vale do Paraíba, com sotaque caipira, mineiro e carioca, Cruzeiro é uma cidade agradável, bem aos pés da Serra da Mantiqueira, resguardada pelo "Gigante Adormecido", lembranças da minha infância...
That's when our trip started, although I started it in Bragança Paulista, I passed by Fernão Dias, I went to D.Pedro and left on the Presidente Dutra Highway at the time of Jacareí towards Cruzeiro, my hometown, at the bottom of the Paraíba Valley, with an accent from the interior of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, Cruzeiro is a pleasant city, at the foot of the Serra da Mantiqueira, sheltered by the "Sleeping Giant", memories of my childhood ...
That's when our trip started, although I started it in Bragança Paulista, I passed by Fernão Dias, I went to D.Pedro and left on the Presidente Dutra Highway at the time of Jacareí towards Cruzeiro, my hometown, at the bottom of the Paraíba Valley, with an accent from the interior of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, Cruzeiro is a pleasant city, at the foot of the Serra da Mantiqueira, sheltered by the "Sleeping Giant", memories of my childhood ...
A "Dutra" como é chamada é bastante movimentada, apesar das boas condições, por isso se você alugou um carro nos aeroportos mencionados, não esqueça de tomar bastante cuidado, pois são muitas retas e a velocidade máxima é 110 km/h, portanto pare para alongar e descansar, existem muitos bons restaurantes e churrascarias ao longo do caminho até Cruzeiro, mas se beber não dirija!
The "Dutra" as it is called is quite busy, despite the good conditions, so if you rented a car at the airports mentioned, do not forget to be very careful, as there are many straight and the top speed is 110 km / h, so stop To stretch and rest, there are many good restaurants and steakhouses along the way to Cruzeiro, but if you drink do not drive!
The "Dutra" as it is called is quite busy, despite the good conditions, so if you rented a car at the airports mentioned, do not forget to be very careful, as there are many straight and the top speed is 110 km / h, so stop To stretch and rest, there are many good restaurants and steakhouses along the way to Cruzeiro, but if you drink do not drive!
De Guarulhos a Cruzeiro são mais ou menos 226 km que qualquer um faz em 2h16 e do Aeroporto de São José dos Campos até lá são aproximadamente 143 km que você percorre em 1h39 ...
From Guarulhos to Cruzeiro are about 226 km that anyone does in 2h16 and the Airport of São José dos Campos until there are approximately 143 km that you travel in 1h39 ...
From Guarulhos to Cruzeiro are about 226 km that anyone does in 2h16 and the Airport of São José dos Campos until there are approximately 143 km that you travel in 1h39 ...
As outras partes dessa viagem publicarei durante a semana...não deixem de ler, é uma boa dica para o mês de julho, o friozinho da serra, a boa comida, um deleite para todos os sentidos, até lá!
The other parts of this trip will be published during the week ... do not forget to read, it's a good tip for the month of July, the cold of the mountain, good food, a treat for all the senses, until then!
The other parts of this trip will be published during the week ... do not forget to read, it's a good tip for the month of July, the cold of the mountain, good food, a treat for all the senses, until then!
The true journey of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
(Marcel Proust)
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peppedepaula@hotmail.com peppedepaula@gmail.com Skype: peppe.de.paula @tourismeadviser 55 12 9714 1841 Mtb:: 0077272/SP |